Request additional information about a specific domain if it is not among the domains listed.
Documents such as: work permits, residence permits, registration certificates, permanent residence certificates, digital nomad visa, etc.
Documents necessary for foreign citizens who want to establish companies or do business in Romania.
It regulates patrimonial and non-patrimonial social relations.
Establishing companies and performing the necessary formalities.
Norms that regulate a distinct category of social relations.
Regulation of social relations in the sphere of public administration.
Regulates relationships from marriage, adoption, etc.
Defense of social values against dangerous acts.
Romania Lawyer
We offer
If you’re a foreign citizen planning to come to Romania, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the legal requirements and regulations that apply to your situation. That’s where our law firm comes in.
Through our website, you can get in touch with an experienced lawyer, specialized in serving the needs of foreign citizens in Romania. The lawyer can provide you with legal advice and representation in English or other languages and help you understand and protect your legal rights in Romania.
Romania Lawyer
We specialize
We specialize in providing legal services to foreign citizens who are planning to come to Romania for work, study, or other reasons. Our team of experienced lawyers is well-versed in Romanian immigration law and can guide you through the process of obtaining the necessary visas and permits..
Whether you’re an individual or a business, we’re here to help you achieve your goals in Romania. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in your legal needs.
Acum ceva timp am apelat la dl.avocat pentru consultanţă juridică privind unele aspecte de drept civil. Cu mult calm mi-a explicat pe înțelesul meu ce urmează a fi făcut după care am aplicat cele spuse. Rezultatele au fost neașteptat de bune, îl recomand tuturor!
Aiacoboaiei Maria
Am apelat la dl. avocat Manea pentru a recupera banii de la o agentie de turism care a refuzat in mai multe randuri, returnarea contravalorii serviciilor achizitionate. Cu mult calm si profesionalism, mi-a explicat pasii pe care-i vom urma iar intr-un timp foarte scurt, a rezolvat problema. Recomand cu incredere.
Bogdan Dănilă
Un om serios, bine ancorat în actualitatea juridică, profesionist și competent. De fiecare dată când am colaborat m-am întâlnit cu un caracter respectuos, empatic, canalizat pe rezolvarea promptă a situației. Îl recomand pe domnul.avocat Gabriel Manea cu toată încrederea!
Mirela Tulbure
Un avocat competent și bine pregătit. Am avut o colaborare reușită și am primit răspuns la toate întrebările.
Andra Marinescu
Aici am intalnit profesionalism, aplecare spre client si promptitudine. Va multumesc pentru colaborare! Recomand!