Romania Lawyer

Criminal Law
Romania Lawyer

About Criminal Law

Romanian Criminal Law sets out the legal framework for criminal offenses and penalties, including crimes against persons, property, and public order. The Code of Criminal Procedure outlines the rules and procedures for investigating and prosecuting criminal cases in Romania.

  • Providing consultations and direct communication with individuals in a state of detention, arrest, medical hospitalization, etc.
  • Drafting documents to refer to criminal investigation bodies, such as criminal complaints and civil party applications.
  • Preparing requests, exceptions, complaints, memoranda, and providing assistance and representation before criminal investigation bodies during the investigation phase.
  • Offering assistance before the judge of rights and freedoms and the judge of the preliminary chamber.
  • Providing legal representation and assistance to the defendant in the plea agreement procedure and in court during the first instance trial, appeal trial, and extraordinary appeals trial.
  • Drafting requests, providing assistance, and representation in appeals related to enforcement, conditional release requests, requests regarding the enforcement regime, complaints against measures, etc.
Office Splaiul Unirii, No. 10, Bucharest
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